Card Escape Room Moves To PC This Year With Escape Tales: The Awakening

June 25, 2024


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Story-driven escape room card game Escape Tales: The Awakening is getting a video game adaptation later this year. Developer Bluekey Games will be remaining faithful to the source game, as the teaser trailer it's released would suggest. Players take on the role of Sam, a widower who lost his wife a few years ago and is now having to cope with his daughter falling into a mysterious coma. When someone gives him a book with the power to potentially wake the girl via a spooky ritual, Sam must decide how to proceed while trying to keep his sanity intact.

Check out the trailer below:

While escape-adjacent games such as The Room series and Boxes: Lost Fragments recreate the feel of escape room mechanics, there hasn't been a direct recreation of a home escape room on PC. That all changes when Escape Tales: The Awakening is released.

The card game told a dark and immersive story about loss which looks to be faithfully ported. Similarly, Bluekey Games will be including the multiple endings of the original game, as well as open exploration with no time limit, so you can spend as long as you need working out the puzzles. Throw in some fiendish problems to solve and decisions which will have an impact on the story's path, and it's all looking very promising indeed.

Escape Tales: The Awakening is due for release later this year - check back for a full review on Jump Dash Roll!

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Rob Kershaw

I've been gaming since the days of the Amstrad. Huge RPG fan. Planescape: Torment tops my list, but if a game tells a good story, I'm interested. Absolutely not a fanboy of any specific console or PC - the proof is in the gaming pudding. Also, I like cake.